Sunday, August 5, 2012

Grillin n Chillin

Gonna be a short one for now, may post up again later, not sure. Gonna keep on my low carbness with a jalapeno bleu cheese burger with avocado for dinner. Yummo. I'll test it and if it is as epic as my head thinks it will be ill post it up here. Gotta keep getting in shape, got a 5K to run in October.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Celebr-alike: Lil Jon

The first in an ongoing post type. Around my home and office I see A LOT of people that resemble celebrities. They will be featured here. I mean no disrespect to anyone in these photos, I just think they have an uncanny resemblance to the celebrity named. What do you think?
Lol Jon

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Like buried treasure!

So I recently purchased a short sale property, it has me insanely busy. All ny free time is spent at this house cleaning up, redoing a few walls, painting, and general handyman duties. Cleaning out a closet I found an original NES. Is it sad that I'm way more excited to hook up the NES than I am my X360 or PS3?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Is "Nothing" REALLY nothing?

Seinfeld was said to be a show about "Nothing".   I think we can all agree that the show was definitely about something, something different every time you watched it.  I didn't always find it funny, but that's ok, I don't think it always tried to make everyone laugh every time.  It never had to follow the same format, same script, or same mold show after show after show.  I think a more correct way to phrase this idea is that it is a show about "Nothing... in particular".

This Blog is a blog about "Nothing" in the same way Seinfeld was about "Nothing".  My blog is going to be a healthy dose of random.  Will you be interested in every post?  Will you laugh at every post?  Heck, will you understand every post?  Probably not, but hey, that's ok.  I promise you this, every post will be filled with my honest opinions and insight into what I'm posting about.

What will I be posting about?  I don't know. Some posts ill talk about TV, others movies, music, celebrities, random people I encounter, guns, cars, bikes, cigars, lighters, fishing, food, dieting, work, working out, plus I'm sure there will be others in there too.  My update schedule will probably follow suit as well, some days I may post 5x a day, others maybe once a week, who knows. In spite of this, I ask you to hang around and crawl in my head for a bit, stay a while; you may not like every channel but I assure you, there will be something for everybody and I would love to have you along on this journey with me.